Ava's Beautiful Face

Ava's Beautiful Face
Mommy is so proud!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

28 Weeks 1 Day - 3rd Trimester has definitely made an impact

I have heard everyone tell me how difficult the 3rd trimester can be and believe me, I understand what they are saying now. I have had the hardest time waking up in the morning lately. It feels like I haven't slept at all. Last night on my walk with Bailey I had a hard time keeping up to him. Lol. But, I did manage to get my 45 minute walk in which always seems to make me feel better. I just can't believe how tired I was this morning. This is just the beginning of the 3rd trimester so we will see if I am able to get any energy back. I find myself looking forward to the weekend because I know that I will be able to sleep whenever I want. :) On a positive note, I am still able to sleep very comfortably and I haven't needed to use the body pillow Tate bought for me. We shall see how long that lasts. :)

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Enjoy getting all the rest you need right now...with my experience, the last few weeks/month is the time when you will feel the most sleep-deprived. However, enjoy getting all the exercise in the world right now, because soon you'll find it difficult to even trek up the stairs!