Ava's Beautiful Face

Ava's Beautiful Face
Mommy is so proud!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

22 Weeks!!! Braxon Hicks Contractions

I have officially hit 5 1/2 months today (22 weeks) and I am definitely starting to look pregnant. I will try and have Tate take a picture of me this week so I can post it for everyone. It's amazing how hard my tummy has gotten. I tried laying on my stomach this weekend when Tate was going to give me a back rub and I quickly realized that it was not very comfortable. I know have this round, tummy in the way. :) I have also been experiencing some "warm up" contractions called Braxon Hicks contractions. They are completely normal and very common. They have nothing to do with pre-term labor so I have not worried about them at all. It's a very crazy feeling though. I felt one this morning and it almost stopped me in my tracks, but it went away shortly afterwards. It just proves that my body is changing and trying to make room for this little girl of ours.

Tate and I went for our first boat ride on Sunday with our new boat. It was pretty windy out on the lake, but it really felt nice to finally sit in a boat that was comfortable. We are still learning the in's and out's of the boat, but we did manage to catch 3 whole Sunfish! :) It will be so much fun to spend time on the boat this summer when the weather is really nice. It was so much fun in Florida watching her move around while I was laying in the sun. Hopefully the weather will cooperate with our boating plans. :)

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