Today my wonderful work, XO Communciations threw me a great baby shower. It was so much fun and everyone joined in. We had a barbecue (thanks Dan-O for grilling) and a pot luck. Of course I can't forget the super yummy cake that Jen picked up. I had to indulge in it even though I knew it would kick start my acid reflux. It was worth it. Everyone was so sweet and they were very generous. I loved spending every minute with everyone. After being at XO Communications for 4 years now, everyone there is like family to me. I am actually the first women at XO Communications to be pregnant so everyone has been really into my pregnancy. They love watching my "transformation" and they all take a very genuine concern for how the baby and I am doing all the time. It's so nice to work in an environment like that where everyone is not only my co-workers, but my dear friends as well. Thanks again XO, it was a perfect day!!
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