Ava's Beautiful Face

Ava's Beautiful Face
Mommy is so proud!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Welcome Lincoln Joseph Hoffman!!!!!

Our little nephew, Lincoln has finally arrived today, 6/21/08. He came into this world around 7:30 PM and weighed in at 8 lbs, 2 oz. He measured out at 20 1/2 inches. Mommy Jenna did great and both her and LJ are recovering wonderfully. Tate and I were able to see the new parents and LJ tonight and it was so great! I could not believe how tiny he was and of course how adorable he is. Holding him in my arms felt so great and I am now even more excited for Ava to make her big entrance in September. I have a big feeling that she and her cousin LJ will be very close. :) We could not be happier for Jenna and Adam! This is truly a very special day. Welcome Lincoln Joseph, your Auntie and Uncle already love you so much!


Shelley said...

Kris - thank you so much for doing this! You are a super duper Auntie for getting these pictures done so quickly. Thank you so much. He is beautiful, so beautiful! And I can see little Ava's face and she is going to be absolutely beautiful too! In just a short time now, we will have our two babies lying side by side :) What fun this will be. Love you, Kris. Thank you so much!

ElenaW said...

Thank you, Kris, for posting the photos of your nephew! He looks just perfect and little Ava looks beautiful too! These children are so lucky to be welcomed into such loving families. Before you know it we will be congtratulating you and Tate. Love, Elena

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Jenna and Adam. Thank you so much for getting a picture of LJ online. We're all so bummed to be in Michigan and missing this wonderful day welcoming LJ into the world. Please pass them big hugs from us. Tom and Meg are absolutely thrilled and can't wait to meet their cousin. Love to you all.